Strong Interest Inventory Certification

Continue your personal and professional development by gaining a certification to purchase and interpret the Strong Interest Inventory® suite of reports.
Once certified, you will be ready to start using the Strong Interest Inventory® instrument straight away for individual, group or teamwork. As with all our psychometric accreditations, your certification is valid internationally and lifelong.
Strong Interest Inventory®
The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment provides robust insight into a person’s interests, so you can help them to consider potential careers, their educational path, and the world of work. Built on psychologist John Holland’s theory, it’s backed by more than 80 years of research into how people of similar interests are employed, and what motivates individuals in the workplace. A recent survey reported that 80% of organizations saw improvement in their ability to help students choose the right major after implementing the Strong assessment. It delivers effective and powerful results that contribute to success.
The Strong Certification Program will enable you to:
This course is perfect for People Managers, Coaches or Career Counsellors who seek effective guidance for those students or career changers who wish to seek guidance:
- Empower individuals to identify careers, jobs, and activities that closely align with their interests.
- Offer different perspectives on career direction, from general areas of interest to specific occupations.
- Provide robust and reliable data about a person’s interests and work preferences.
- Help organizations retain employees by uncovering work areas in which their people are more likely to thrive.
What will you learn with us?
- Holland’s theory of personalities and work environments (RIASEC)
- Techniques for interpreting the Strong assessment’s scales and applying its insights
- Validity and reliability information
- Instructions for administering the assessment and using Strong reports and support materials for career exploration and development
- Testing and measurement concepts
- Ethical considerations
- Ways to provide feedback and response to client questions
We typically use the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment for:
- Choosing a College major selection--The Strong assessment helps students uncover their career interests and identify which areas of study are appropriate or required for a particular field. Students become more engaged because they are focused on classes relevant to their goals.
- Career exploration--By identifying personal interests and how these relate to different occupations, the Strong assessment opens up the world of work to first-time career seekers and people considering a career transition.
- Career development--The Strong assessment heightens people’s self-awareness and provides deeper understanding of individual strengths and blind spots, including work style and orientation to risk taking.
- Employee engagement--The Strong assessment helps employees align their interests with areas of responsibility in their job, or in other jobs within your organization where those interests can be applied.
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